Open theme-creator in Script Kit

// Name: Theme Creator
// This will create a file at ~/.kenv/theme.txt
// Edit the file, then hit save to update the theme
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
let themePath = kenvPath("theme.txt")
if (!(await isFile(themePath))) {
let defaultTheme = `
--color-primary: 255, 155, 255
--color-secondary: 255, 113, 39
--color-background: 255, 255, 255
await writeFile(themePath, defaultTheme)
await edit(themePath)
let { watch } = await npm("chokidar")
let mS = mainScript()
watch(themePath).on("change", async () => {
let contents = await readFile(themePath, "utf-8")
let theme = contents.split("\n").reduce((acc, line) => {
let [k, v] = line.trim().split(":")
acc[k.trim()] = v.trim()
return acc
}, {})
await mS